NAS - Network Attached Storage
NAS stands for Network Attached Storage - that basically means that the music on the Brennan hard disk can be seen by other devices on the same network.
To Enable NAS
- On B2 use Settings->Maintenance->Start NAS
- On B3 its Settings & Tools->Maintenance->Start NAS
The Brennan will reboot - you only have to do it once.
To turn off NAS
- On B2 use Settings->Maintenance->Stop NAS
- On B3 its Settings & Tools->Maintenance->Stop NAS
Using with Windows
Start Windows Explorer
Click on the Network tab on the left.
It may take a while at first but you will see BRENNANB2 (or BRENNANB3) like this
When you click on BRENNANB2 the first time you will need a user and password as follows.
User: root
Password: brennan
You will then see the music folder on the brennan - you can treat it like any other folder on the PC.
If you add music to the Brennan from WIndows then you need to do Settings->Scan Disk for the Brennan to learn about the new files.
If you delete or rename existing music then you should also restart the Brennan then do Scan Disk.
NB Some B2 owners tell me you can simply type // (substitute your IP address) into Windows File Explorer - saves it having to scan the network.

iPad NAS App
I found an app for the iPad (and Android) that may be useful.
File explorer from Skyjos lets you use the Brennan NAS on your tablet or phone.
To make it work hit + (New Connection) then select NAS and fill out the diaglog like this.