Exciting new gadget coming soon
It's no exaggeration to say this gadget has transformed the way I use Sonos. It's like adding wheels to a suitcase. There’s no going back.

It used to annoy me that something as simple as turning up the volume would involve an app or tapping keys up and down or using a tiny slider.
Usually that needs both hands and eyes - when I might be working on my laptop, reading or preparing something in the kitchen.
Now I can adjust the volume with one hand without taking my eyes off what I am doing. It feels so natural - Sonos now seems incomplete without it.
And because it's a Brennan - the new gadget works with your B2, B3 or BB1.
It doesn’t just control the volume. You can see it has back, play/pause and next keys. But it has other tricks. I’ve programmed a button to play my local radio station. I don’t need a phone or app or computer - just click on the button and I’m listening to Zack FM.
Perhaps the best feature is the dumbest. I can turn off the music and put it to sleep by hitting the big button. Then wake it up and resume by hitting it again - simple.
The photographs show a hand made prototype. Production should start in a couple of months. Before that I am looking for testers and I am looking for a name.
I can’t help but think there is a great name out there. Let us know your ideas, questions and put your name down if you would like to be notified when ready. Email thebrennanb2@gmail.com.