Helix Latest Software
This page describes bug fixes and new features as they are released.
There will be improvements to the software since your Helix was manufactured so its a good idea to do a Web Upgrade (in the Extra menu) once your Helix is attached to Wifi. The upgrade takes about a minute.
You can find the date of the software on your Helix on the settings tab of the web UI or app.
If you notice any bugs or have ideas for new features please email on thebrennanb2@gmail or post on the forum
12th February 2024
- Swap Left & Right on 3.5mm jack
- Play Left+Right on Mono DAC Helix (as opposed to Right only)
- Modify test tone generator (factory use only) to play higher pitch on Right
3rd January 2024
- Fix playback of last few seconds of a CD to Sonos. It was stopping early.
- Fix compatibility with WAV files generated on B2/B3
8th December 2023
- Better ripping of scratched CDs. Now rips all the tracks it can and displays a summary - rather than giving up at the first bad track
- Fix a problem with NEXT introduced in the snippet fix below
27th November 2023
- Remove snippets of old track played when new track started
- Improve behaviour after playing last SD wav file on card.
- Adjust wav track lengths to match CD track
23rd November 2023
This provisional update allows ripping and play to a Sonos speaker. Previously starting a rip would force selection of "Wired". This function uses a lot of CPU bandwidth let is know of any problems and we can mitigate.
16th November 2023
- Display invalid SD format with a red icon
- Add an SD format function to the Extra menu
- Fix problem cause by breaks in Wifi - Sonos OK but web UI stopped
- Fix problem caused by unusual subcode on some CDs - very occasionally a CD would fail to play or rip.
- Streamline the volume control so there is less delay